The new President in her acceptance speech said “One of the most important aims and objectives of the Nigeria-Britain Association as stated in our charter is the Association’s rights to act in such other ways as the Council of the Association may from time to time deem desirable. Today, therefore, represents a celebration for the N-BA of one desirable act, one singular act that will open doors for the next generation of inclusive leadership. Leaders who would no longer be seen as vulnerable but as inspirational as they would be women, youth, and persons living with disabilities, amongst others. This one desirable act would be remembered in NBA’s history as the day when the youngest and first Nigerian female was elected as President of the Nigeria-Britain Association.”
She further stated that progressive leadership fosters the recognition and acceptance of diversity and inclusivity which are the foundations of sustainable friendships and harmony against nations. This act would therefore cement the N-BA in the sands of time as an Association formed of true friendship solely interested in building relationships that last while making a positive difference to the Economic, Social snd Governance pillars in our society and uniting two great nations, Nigeria and Britain.